Roadside intelligence steps up a gear
Digicall Assist has rolled out another roadside assistance innovation to improve the experience for broken down motorists and help get them on their way faster.
Our latest innovation ‘INQ-IQ’ integrates digital technology at the roadside with our telephony system. Now, as soon as a motorist calls for assistance, they begin interacting even whilst in the queue to provide both better customer engagement and reduce the time it takes to get the help they need. An SMS guides the customer to an interactive web form that captures a photo of their vehicle and pinpoints their location, seamlessly uploading this information to the service operator who answers the call.
At Digicall Assist we’ve been steadily building a technology powerhouse to streamline roadside assistance. From our live-tracking app to our roadside assistance multi-language self-help app, we know that roadside assistance is increasingly driven by technology sophistication. Integrated digital services are a critical part of providing a great experience for motorists and better outcomes for our insurance, OEM and fleet clients.
Live since late 2020, the INQ-IQ feature means that as soon as a customer calls for roadside assistance using a mobile phone, they receive an SMS. Tapping on the SMS’ link takes them to an interactive web form where they’re asked to take a photo of their vehicle showing the number plate. The motorist is also able to select from a drop-down list to identify what they think the issue is, e.g. a flat tyre.

Taking a photo is optional, and only to be done if it’s safe to do so.
Once the photo is taken and uploaded, the app automatically detects the motorist’s location using meta data in the photo and adds that information. The registration details are matched in our database, so that we know who we are talking to.
When the motorist is connected to our customer service operator seconds later, the operator immediately sees this information – the car’s registration, make, model and location, and possible issue. This means our operator doesn’t need to start with asking for these details, and can move quickly to mobilising the vehicle over the phone, or dispatching a technician if required. As well as reducing waiting time, the photos also assist in correct identification of the problem, helping to eliminate incorrect dispatches.

Michael Curtin, Digicall Assist CEO explains why we set out to create this innovative technology. “Digicall Assist acts as an extension of our clients’ business – so this new service means our clients’ customers get an even better brand experience.”
Rebecca Goss, Digicall Assist Contact Centre Manager, says that the new system has been positively received all round.
“Our agents on the phone love it, as it means they already have a sense of who they’re talking to as soon as they answer each call. It instantly creates a more connected way of helping customers.
Our clients are also very excited. When we launched this in December, we had one of our major clients watching the new system in action during live calls, and they were extremely enthusiastic about the benefits this offers to customers and their business.”
Further enhancements to the app are planned for 2021, including further integration with our dispatch system.